3 Centered Wisdom in the 2nd Half of Life.
One cannot live the afternoon of life according to the program of life’s morning; for what was great in the morning will be of little importance in the evening, and what in the morning was true will at evening become a lie. — C. G. Jung
For 25 years, I have been meeting with people who come to Enneagram work when they are standing at a threshold.
Thresholds are moments in your life that initially feel strange, unfamiliar and threatening to your identity. Yet, they set into motion the opportunity to discover 2nd half of life potentials lying dormant inside of you.
We warmly invite your whole being – mind, heart, and body – into a cycle of Learning, Practice and Integration. You choose how: Thresholds Group Sessions, Enneagram Learning, Individual Sessions, Contemplative Practice.

Learn at home or with your small group.
We consistently hear The Centers Approach is unlike any other way of teaching the Enneagram because it doesn’t get stuck in the mental center
You can now access all Leslie’s Enneagram teaching online in our Enneagram Shop.
Coming to the Enneagram Shop Winter 2025: Enneagram and Shadow
Weekly Practice
Winter 2025: Embodied Shadow Work
Using Enneagram Wisdom to Awaken to Shadow in Self and the CollectiveLight and dark lie in every human heart.
How we wish that we could cancel the darkness by assuming it is only out there in others and clinging to our tightly held worldview.
We empower the shadow by cutting it off or pretending it doesn’t exist inside of ourselves.
The Enneagram is helpful in shadow work. It helps us identify our defense strategies, avoidances and what we project onto other people.
Shadow work is a gift to ourselves as a practice for wholeness, creativity, self honesty and authenticity.
It is a gift to our community as it reduces projection and othering. We bring home our pojections. We become less likely to blame or judge others for traits we have not yet owned in ourselves.
Hosted by Leslie Hershberger and Enneagram trained teacher, Lee Fields, these sessions help you navigate these times of change and uncertainty, enhance your resilience and aliveness, and better understand your current life passage.
Learn. Pause. Practice.
Leslie is a master. She’s a wonderful teacher and gets in the zone with my students. She’s humorous, extremely articulate, can speak from many perspectives and creates an environment for people to show up and learn. She’s not all fluff and presentation. She has a real depth of experience and knowledge. She’s the best of her generation out there.
Leslie is both warm hearted, and thoughtful in her teaching and coaching. I have witnessed her depth of knowledge, teaching skill, and awareness. I consider her a brilliant teacher and guide. Her insight into the fundamentals of their personal and spiritual development makes her teaching especially poignant. I recommend her highly. You will benefit from your experience with her.
Leslie is solidly committed to her own journey to “walk her talk.” I have personally witnessed and admire her capacity to pause, reflect, and grow through difficult encounters.
I have also witnessed her incredible energy and commitment to bringing this work to the world. She is an innovator of the finest degree and has made many original contributions to the field of Enneagram study. She weaves the Enneagram with Integral theory, neuroscience and other relevant modalities.
Leslie is a gift to the worldwide Enneagram community.
Letting go of your idealized Enneagram persona
It may be stretch that we have to pray for a humiliation a day. It comes on its own unbidden. The question is, will we see it or will we work quickly to rationalize or defend against it? Will we make space for the emotions it elicits? Will we feel it in our bodies? ...
What is this time in your life asking of you?
In the 2nd half of life, rather than unconsciously giving into cultural “anti-aging,” or the tendency to “other” those we are hurt by, we can turn inward and see the Enneagram patterns that live in us: When our idealized persona (3) cracked. When our shadow (6)...
Be careful of simplistic Enneagram prescriptions
We can’t write a prescription based on the arrows for each Enneagram type as in “Enneagram 6 goes to Enneagram 9 in order to be "healthy" or Enneagram 4 needs to "go to" Enneagram 1.” It’s not how it works. We're too different based on factors like culture,...