With an abundance of Enneagram content in today’s feeds, inaccurate online Enneagram tests, look-alike types, and individual experiences, one of the best ways to discover your type is through an Enneagram typing interview!
Niki Pappas conducts our stand-alone typing interviews focused on helping you to identify your Enneagram style.
More about Niki:
We appreciate a variety of life experience in working with you as it offers a lens of multiple perspectives.
Niki hails from the corporate world and concurrently, she has been focusing on wellness and spiritual growth for the past 10+ years, following a 20-year career in marketing research.
Her endeavors have included certifications for holistic health coaching, yoga, Thai bodywork, and currently, the Enneagram. Niki has been involved with The Hive since May 2018 as an eager class participant, facilitator, cohort guide, and, since May 2020, happy member of the Lead Team.
Leading with Enneagram Type 4, Niki is committed to her own inner work and honored to offer and receive presence and compassion in all of her relationships. Niki lives in OTR and is the mother of two amazing young men.