Are you having a hard time determining whether your Enneagram pattern is a 5 or a 9? On the outside, both of these types can have a tendency to withdraw or disengage. Both like to take their time and resist being rushed. On a team, both may have a tendency to over...
I wrote the following to prepare for an interview with Julie Bogart, Creator and Owner of Bravewriter. She writes: “I love kids. I love parents. I love writing. She’s a BIG fan of the Enneagram. We talk often about how it impacts our parenting. Hello...
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning The space between stimulus and response is “The Pause”....
Knowing your Enneagram style’s patterns gives a glimpse in what others see, but may not be saying. Sometimes, it’s hard for people to tell us the hard stuff. Or, if they do, it’s hard to be receptive to what they are saying. Below, I list common...