Courage of the Heart II: Transforming Fire




Brave Space for Women’s Voices

Courage is a measure of our heartfelt participation with life.” 

David Whyte

with Leslie Hershberger

Support Facilitators:

Sarah Pritts and Renee Kanagy

Why now?

These times are unlike any we’ve experienced.

A pattern of questions are emerging in my sessions with women:

  • What do you do with contradictory thoughts that live in your head, but you have nowhere to discuss them in a thoughtful way?
  • Do you ever want to talk about or explore when your beliefs don’t seem to work in your current life in these turbulent times?
  • Do you feel like started to live according to your new beliefs but you don’t have a framework to apply them in your life?
  • Do you ever feel like things like life and things like social media assaults your senses with conflicting messages without offering you any space to reflect, consider and digest life as it is unfolding?
  • Do you ever feel dogged by perfectionism? (This is SO common in women regardless of Enneagram style)

“The more deeply we go into our own experience of our journey, the more likely we are to hit the universal.”

Sue Monk Kidd

We have a primal need to BELONG. When we silence and silo parts of ourselves in order to belong, OUR ALIVENESS IS LOST.

Join us for

Courage of the Heart

a group for women beginning July 15, 2020


SPOTLIGHT STORIES: each week, you hear the story of a woman who is consciously claiming her voice.

Stories are a way of bearing communal witness to our distinct and universal experience as women. In small groups, you will have the opportunity to share your experiences of listening  to the stories and yourself.

“We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.” — Malala Yousafzai

CONTEMPLATIVE PRACTICES: You learn simple, doable practices that soften those inner voices of comparison, striving, insecurity, doubt, desire and avoidance so you can live closer to the way you are made.  

Contemplative practices:

  • cultivate spiritual vitality,
  • cultivate the gifts of your Enneagram style,
  • loosen the holds of Enneagram patterns and
  • deepen your awareness cultural biases that obscure your Inner Knowing.


“No matter how difficult and painful it may be, nothing sounds as good to the soul as the truth.” — Martha Beck

MAPS:  Others have walked these walks. Maps are full of “aha’s.” You will learn invaluable maps that help you make sense of your story.

July 15, 29
August 12, 26

10 AM -12 PM ET on Zoom
Sessions recorded so if you can’t participate live, no problem!

PRIVATE Facebook Group for class participants.


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