The Enneagram is a powerful portal into understanding yourself and others. It maps out the mental structure, the patterns of emotional energy and the distinct dynamics of 9 personality patterns.

The Enneagram transcends gender, religion, nationality and culture. Each of us is unique and we also share a common humanity. 


The HEAD is associated with the mental center.

If our basic, mammalian security needs are not met, this is the center where we react with FEAR.

The HEART is associated with the emotional center.

If our basic mammalian needs for connection and approval are not met, this is the center where we react with PANIC.

The BODY is associated with the physical, kinesthetic or feeling center.

If our basic mammalian needs for control, power and fairness are not met, this center is where we react with ANGER which propels us to take action.

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 The 3  centers correspond with modern neuroscience through MRI’s, body scans and other technological advances.


Because these are core human, mammalian needs, we have all 3 of these centers.
We all feel fear, panic and anger.


Yet, when you are “on automatic” you lead with one of center and “bury” another. The Centers argue with each other.


Leslie’s Centers Approach is an “inside out” approach. You cultivate an “Inner Observer” and do the practices to bring all 3 Centers online.  





For meditations, reflection questions, Pause practices and Core Themes of the Body Center and a bonus Introduction to the Enneagram, purchase our BODY CENTER BUNDLE FOR $99

It includes our Bonus Module: The Body Center at Work.

The Body Center is associated with the “Instinctual Triad,” but it’s more than that. The body is our first language. It is our mother tongue. It is how we speak before we even have words!

The body holds our aliveness, our life force energy, and our life story. Research is now showing that emotions are “housed” in the body. It speaks our mind whether we know it or not. Even if the head lies, the language of the body tells the truth of how we are feeling in any given moment.

While we all have access to our body intelligence, people who lead from the Body Center FEEL life strongly. One Body Type said, “Life is a body slam.” This triad tends to have strong first impressions and get stuck in them. They try to manage this strong hit by controlling and using their power to get what they want. 


When I feel my worth, power, comfort and sense of belonging is disrespected, I feel anger that things aren’t the way I feel they should be.  This elicits a need to control to maintain a sense of myself and to bring things back to congruence.


Boundaries. Strength. Invulnerability. Where I stand. Where you stand.

Life is a struggle.

Type 8:

I need to feel powerful, strong and have control. I control by avoiding my vulnerability, making an impact and overcoming inevitable obstacles that stand in my way.

Type 9:

I need to feel comfortable and peaceful. I control by going along to get along and minimizing my own needs in order to maintain harmony and peace.

Type 1:

I need to be correct and good. I control by holding high standards for myself and others and avoiding risks in order to maintain order and responsibility.


The Heart Center is also called the “Emotional Triad” or “Doing Triad.”

As humans, we have a core need to bond and connect with others. When we feel a possible loss of connection with someone important to us, we might DO something to reestablish that connection.

People who lead with the Heart Center have a strong need to maintain an image of desirability to people or groups who matter to them.

Energy and attention goes to attuning to the moods and feelings of significant people or groups.

Acceptance and contact are important for this triad.


When I feel that panic of loss of connection, this propels further activity. I lose who I really am.


Connection, Affection, Approval

Life is a production.

Type 2:

I need to be needed to significant people to maintain connection. I forget my own needs and resent when I don’t feel appreciated for all I DO.

Type 3:

I need to be seen as successful and ahead of the game. I work hard to be the best and confuse my image as a winner with who I really am.

Type 4:

I need to be unique and seen as special. I put my own distinct and uncommon touch into what I say and do. I resist being ordinary.



Do you need more insight into Head Center themes?

Our Head Center Bundle offers outstanding insight and awareness and action practices designed for The Head Center.

The Head Center modules include 
The Head Center at Work Bonus Module.

Purchase THE $99 HEAD CENTER BUNDLE here.

The Head Center is associated with the “Mental Triad” or “Perceiving Triad.”

As part of our human mammalian response, when we feel a threat to our safety and security, we try to plan and figure things out to feel safe and minimize potentially difficult or painful situations. 

People who lead with the Head Center have a lot of mental energy. They think, analyze, imagine and plan in order to minimize perceived threats.


 Of the unknown. Of chaos. Of being unprepared to handle a situation.


To seek answers and meaning in order to feel safe and secure.

Life needs to be figured out. 

Type 5:

I need to detach in order to get more data and figure things out so I can KNOW. I am easily overwhelmed by too much emotion and feeling.

This is why I step back in order to observe and analyze.

Type 6:

I need to feel secure with a person, group, authority figure, a tradition, a philosophy. I may test, challenge and question so I can see who and what to trust.

This is why I am loyal and skeptical.

Type 7:

I need to feel stimulated as the darker side of life overwhelms me. I’m afraid I’ll be bored and trapped forever, so I stay positive with many ongoing tasks and plans.

I look the least afraid of the fear types but it is fear that drives my planning.

“I got into the Enneagram to understand my kids who made their way through the world differently from me. I thought if I could understand them, I could change them so they could see things MY way. (If you’re a parent, you know where that goes)…”

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