Leslie Hershberger

While I’ve done deep dive study in the Enneagram and have written countless articles on it, my Enneagram expertise has come from over 20 years of boots on the ground work with real people in countless settings: universities, businesses, schools, churches, non-profits, recovery communities and hospitals.
I learned the Enneagram in 1998 and after my first workshop decided to make it the primary focus of my life’s work as it made such a difference in my parenting and relating to people in my life.
I fell in love with the Narrative Tradition of the Enneagram and its focus on panels of people sharing their inner experience.
I went on to get a Master’s in Theology as I wanted to understand the INNER world of different spiritual traditions in order to focus on the spiritual dimension of the Enneagram. I focused primarily on the Christian contemplative traditions and Buddhism.
I started Enneagram programming in Cincinnati, Ohio and continue to teach and facilitate Enneagram and personal/spiritual growth groups.
In 2004, I discovered the work of Ken Wilber and trained in Integral Theory and eventually developed two online courses for Integral Life with Ken Wilber. Integral gave me a stellar framework in understanding how different people and groups filter their experience. It changed how I coach, facilitate and teach.
I became the Enneagram expert for Integral Recovery with John Dupuy, CEO of iAwake Technologies and author of Integral Recovery. He invited me to chat with his students in Utah one weekend and his wife Pam grabbed a small hand held camera to tape our conversations. This Saturday morning chat has gotten over 100,000 views on YouTube.
As time passed, I realized how much time people spend at work and wanted to bring the Enneagram to a population that wasn’t normally inclined towards weekend workshops. I began my training and work in bringing the Enneagram to workplaces which has been so rewarding.
In my experience, the best teachers are those who continue their own inner work in communities of practitioners. It helps you fine tune your skills. With this in mind, I am as committed to my own personal growth as I am to yours.
My clients say I gently guide them in a way they’ve never experienced mostly because I understand that the depth of this system is grounded in 4 primary centers: cognitive, emotional, somatic and relational.
While I love the insights of the Enneagram, I’ve learned more than anything else, we are more than our type. Whether I’m sitting down with one person or an entire room of people, I’m aware that I’m standing before the mystery of each unique human being.
I live in on 5 quiet acres in Loveland, Ohio with my husband Dave who is in the travel business. We have 3 wonderful children and 3 granchildren who we adore.
We travel extensively throughout the world and we’ve found a way to balance my love of culture, food, cities, ancient ruins and monasteries with Dave’s love of hiking, kayaking and exploring the wilderness.
Certifications, Degrees, Programs:
- Certified teacher of the Enneagram Professional Training Program (EPTP)©
- Certified coach in the Enneagram Narrative Professionals Track©
- Completed Part 1 of Somatic Experiencing Training© with SE Trauma Training body oriented approach to dealing with stress and trauma
- Certified Trainer in The Enneagram in Business©
- Certified Coach and co-trainer in The Enneagram in Business Coaching Track©
- Certification program in Integral Theory at JFK University
- Master’s in Theological Studies at Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Certificate in Strozzi Embodied Transformation Program
15 year practitioner in the
Bergamo Intentional Enneagram
Learning Community
- (I’ve been involved in this long term practice group with international bestselling author and teacher Helen Palmer, Terry Saracino, Marion Gilbert and Renee Rosario along with an international community of long term Enneagram coaches, consultants, master teachers, therapists, facilitators and practitioners. I’ve learned more from this group than most any other training. We hone our skills as a group and I’ve learned much about the subtle nuances of type through people committed to the practice of inner observation.. We study and practice Somatic Experiencing, mindfulness meditation, panel interviewing and engage in this Enneagram master class).
- Completed Grief Recovery 12-week workshop after I experienced a period of many losses included the loss of my father, a dear friend and my beloved sister. I’ve combined the Enneagram with grief work in my work with my clients.
- Cohort Conscious Healing with Thomas Hubl who works with Collective Trauma.
Boards and Associations:
- Former board member, professional member and editor of the Nine Points online magazine for the International Enneagram Association
- Former board member and current member of the Enneagram Association in the Narrative Tradition
- Enneagram Center of the Ohio Valley
Developer and facilitator of
the following online courses:
- Coming Home with internationally renowned philosopher Ken Wilber and David Riordan, VP of media for Integral Life©
- Between You and Love: An Enneagram Course with Integral Life© and special guest, Helen Palmer
- Patterns of Being: An Enneagram Workshop DVD/download with internationally bestselling Enneagram author Helen Palmer, EPTP© faculty, Terry Saracino and Renee Rosario
- Ongoing Enneagram teacher and facilitator for Integral Recovery, a program using Ken Wilber’s Integral quadrants with people moving through addiction.
- Core Facilitator at The Hive a center to create compassionate, mindfully engaged citizens in the Cincinnati region.