by Leslie Hershberger | Aug 7, 2018 | Heart Types, Relationships
TYPE TWO: It’s about being needed and liked by significant people in order to get their needs met without having to ask. Some words to describe Twos in their varying degrees of self-awareness: WARM, ENGAGING, CARING, MANIPULATIVE, SEDUCTIVE, DEMANDING,...
by Leslie Hershberger | Apr 4, 2018 | Enneagram
Recently, in a comment on Facebook underneath my video of 8s, someone wrote: “8s sound narcissistic!” This was something that needed to be fleshed out before it took one a life of its own! Are some types more narcissistic than others? In traditional...
by Leslie Hershberger | Apr 4, 2018 | Body Types, Enneagram, Leadership
CLICK BELOW TO WATCH What can you expect if you’re in relationship with an 8? If you’re an 8, how can use an understanding of your type to deepen your emotional...