Each one of us over uses one of our centers. Types 5/6/7 overuse the head center, Types 8/9/1 overuse the Feeling/Sensing center and Types 2/3/4 overuse the Doing center in order to stay in connection. In hard times, our dominant center can be useful..until it’s not. How can you access all 3 centers in order to support you as we move through an experience of harmony and disharmony in our bodies? Can you notice when you are out of that felt experience of what might be called “harmonic resonance” where you feel grounded, connected and clear? Can you notice when you have moved back into harmonic resonance?

BODY TYPES (8/9/1)

Your dominant center is in sensing, grounding and taking action. This helps you feel solid and like you have some control. This is helpful until it’s overdone by trying to over-manage your external environment. Your work is to “give a little room” to your vulnerability. To presence. To remind yourself, “I am here.” Put your attention and your hands on your heart with some kindness for yourself. Breathe. What do you notice?


HEAD TYPES (5/6/7)

Your thinking is helpful until it creates anxiety, fear and too much anticipatory planning. Your work is to ground yourself in your breathing and body and connect to your heart, breathe into it (and make space for the part of you that resists breathing into your body). Put down all the information and step into the outside world. Take a 5 sensory walk. Allow for gratitude.



Your doing center is helpful, but can be overused when you are “doing” connection with others, without coming home to yourself and your own body. Your work is to pause “doing.” Feel your own breath. Your own body. Your own inner ground. Body types (8/9/1): your dominance in sensing, grounding and taking action feels solid until it’s overdone by trying to control and over-manage your external environment. Your work is to “give a little room” to your vulnerability. To presence. To remind yourself, “I am here.”


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