Green Zone cultures are areas of mutual accountability and support, open to feedback, cooperate towards a shared vision, see mistakes as learning opportunities, are able to face and grow from difficult times and recognize the unique contributions of different team members. These cultures are less afraid of risks and tend to be more flexible and emotionally intelligent.
Below is a list of Green Zone behaviors. Record Green Zone behaviors you most commonly demonstrate. If you have trouble identifying your Green Zone behaviors, ask a colleague, friend or family member.
I take full responsibility for my current circumstances
I face difficult truths about me and my reactivity
I respond without defensiveness
I am not easily triggered and my type patterns are barely perceptible
I seek to build mutual success
I seek solutions rather than blame
I use persuasion rather than force, sarcasm or passive aggressiveness
I am firm and grounded but not rigid and all about preserving my interests.
I consider both the short and long term view
I am curious and interested in other points of view
I welcome feedback
I see conflict as a natural part of the human condition
I speak calmly and directly about issues
I accept responsibility for my actions
I seek deeper levels of understanding and take a wider perspective
I communicate in a caring, engaged way
I seek excellence rather than victory
I listen fully
I face difficult interactions with awareness and groundedness
After you complete the list, identify a Green Zone behavior you would like to develop.
Once you have chosen the Green Zone behavior you would like to develop, write HOW you are going to do it. For example, if you chose “I welcome feedback” as the Green Zone behavior you would like to develop, you may write:
a.. Once I have calmed myself after a difficult interaction, I ask the other if they have any feedback about how my behavior impacts them personally.
b. I listen without defensiveness. If I notice I feel defensiveness or rationalization, I take a deep breath.
c. I remind myself it’s not about agreeing or disagreeing. It’s about listening without defensiveness and learning to welcome feedback.
*Adapted from Radical Collaboration by James Tamm and Ronald Luyet, ©2004