by Leslie Hershberger | Oct 18, 2023 | Body Types, Change, Enneagram, Heart Types, Inside Out Enneagram, Spirituality
I sent this poem to an Enneagram 9 on retreat. They’re finding the voice they silence when in the throes of their type structure. Many 9s tell a story of taking excessive responsibility for others. 2s do too. They begin to resent it. Others resent their resentment....
by Leslie Hershberger | Jan 4, 2019 | Change, Grief, Loss, Spirituality
When near the end of day, life has drained Out of light, and it is too soon For the mind of night to have darkened things, No place looks like itself, loss of outline Makes everything look strangely in-between, Unsure of what has been, or what might come. In this wan...
by Leslie Hershberger | May 22, 2018 | All Articles, Change, Loss, Pause Process, Spirituality
Is sustained change possible? There moments when change will feel mildly uncomfortable and others where it will be downright painful especially when it bumps up against your life AND your most deeply ingrained patterns. This is called your “immunity to...
by Leslie Hershberger | Apr 11, 2018 | Change
Green Zone cultures are areas of mutual accountability and support, open to feedback, cooperate towards a shared vision, see mistakes as learning opportunities, are able to face and grow from difficult times and recognize the unique contributions of different team...
by Leslie Hershberger | Dec 2, 2016 | Change, Culture, Pause Process
Last year, a woman came to the gym very upset over the death of a former colleague. She had jumped a fence at a park while hiking at night and died in a terrible fall leaving a grieving husband, daughter and family. I couldn’t stop thinking of how often...
by Leslie Hershberger | Mar 31, 2016 | #BeInspired, Adult Development, All Articles, Change, Enneagram
Imagine you’re a 4 and you tend to get swept up by strong feelings…would “growth” mean thinking on the bright side the way a 7 does? Or if you’re a 7, should you dive into deep feelings of longing the way a 4 does in order to see what...