by Leslie Hershberger | Jan 16, 2023 | Enneagram, Relationships
When clients share something difficult about a relationship in love or work, I sometimes ask this question” “Have you had a conversation with them?” Often, the response is “no.” It’s across the type board, although certain Enneagram types are more avoidant. ...
by Leslie Hershberger | May 22, 2018 | All Articles, Change, Loss, Pause Process, Spirituality
Is sustained change possible? There moments when change will feel mildly uncomfortable and others where it will be downright painful especially when it bumps up against your life AND your most deeply ingrained patterns. This is called your “immunity to...
by Leslie Hershberger | Sep 13, 2017 | Uncategorized
My sister was diagnosed with metastatic spinal cancer in May and died at home 8 months later. She was unusual in that she didn’t want to “fight cancer.” It didn’t mean she was never angry about her diagnosis. She had her moments. She was not a cardboard saint...