Inside Out Enneagram: Look Alike Types 2 and 9, 1 and 6
Types 2 and 9 both tend to reference their attention to others and have a hard time knowing what they need or want. Both tend towards (conscious) suppression and (unconscious) repression of their anger. Both are "positive...
Inside Out Enneagram: Types 5 and 9 Are Look Alike Types
Having a hard time determining whether you are a 5 or a 9? This may help. You can look similar on the outside, but what is going on inside is very different.
Free Enneagram Weekend Event for Young Adults
Join me for a free event for young adults and college students in Over-the-Rhine in Cincinnati, Ohio
This being human is a guest house
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
The Enneagram Isn’t the First Thing: It’s the Second Thing
I when I hear someone cramming every behavior into an Enneagram box. It feels dehumanizing at best and aggressive at worst. As a teacher, I feel protective of the Enneagram and this habit turns people off. The Enneagram isn’t the first thing.
The Interim Time by John O’Donohue
You are in this time of the interim
Where everything seems withheld.
The path you took to get here has washed out;
The way forward is still concealed from you.
Enneagram and Parenting
I wrote the following to prepare for an interview with Julie Bogart, Creator and Owner of Bravewriter. She writes: "I love kids. I love parents. I love writing. She's a BIG fan of the Enneagram. We talk often about how it impacts our parenting. Hello Bravewriter...
Enneagram Video Shorts: Type 2, The Giver
It’s about being needed and liked by significant people
For a New Beginning
Is sustained change possible? There moments when change will feel mildly uncomfortable and others where it will be downright painful especially when it bumps up against your life AND your most deeply ingrained patterns. This is called your "immunity to change." A part...
Green Zone cultures are areas of mutual accountability and support, open to feedback, cooperate towards a shared vision, see mistakes as learning opportunities, are able to face and grow from difficult times and recognize the unique contributions of different team...