From the blog, On Being: "I saw a dear friend a few days ago. I stopped by to ask her how she was doing, how her family was. She looked up, voice lowered, and just whimpered: “I’m so busy… I am so busy… have so much going on.” Almost immediately after, I ran into...
The Pause in Relationship
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning The space between stimulus and response is "The Pause". Below are some...
Heart Types: How Do Your Co-Workers See You?
Knowing your Enneagram patterns gives a glimpse into what others see, but may not be saying. by Leslie Hershberger Sometimes, it's hard for people to tell us the hard stuff. Or, if they do, it's hard to be receptive to what they are saying. Below, I list common...
Body Types: How do your co-workers see you?
Knowing your Enneagram patterns gives a glimpse in what others see, but may not be saying. Sometimes, it’s hard for people to tell us the hard stuff. Or, if they do, it’s hard to be receptive to what they are saying. Below, I list common feedback I hear from people...
9 Stages of Spiritual Transformation
“The following is a 9-stage journey of spiritual development as taught by Franciscan Friar Richard Rohr. As Richard Rohr says, ‘This isn’t something that you work on, it’s something that works on you.’ 1. My Body Is Who I am: Focus is on security and safety; power and...
Head Types: How Do Your Co-Workers See You?
Knowing your Enneagram style's patterns gives a glimpse in what others see, but may not be saying. Sometimes, it's hard for people to tell us the hard stuff. Or, if they do, it's hard to be receptive to what they are saying. Below, I list common feedback I hear from...
Embrace Your Inner Contradictions
A love letter to all of you who embark upon the inner work of awareness and excavation of your own unique soul. (Be sure to read it with an Irish accent as it is from beloved teacher, John O’Donohue:) “We should allow the different sides of what is contradictory...
The Practical Power of Paradox
You're not crazy, lazy or indecisive if you feel two opposite feelings at the same time. In truth, the ability to hold polar opposite thoughts (polarities) in a paradoxical tension is a sign of mature development. It's a big shift beyond either/or and black and white...